Saturday, September 5, 2009

Summary of first two weeks

Two weeks down...thirteen more to go.

The highlight of my week came on Wednesday, for one of my 4 mile runs. Let me preface by saying that I don't run in hot weather; I melt. I grew up on the Oregon Coast where 70 degrees is hot. Any warmer than 70 + mugginess and I feel like I'm running in an oven. So when it started raining after my first quarter-mile on Wednesday, I was ecstatic. The rain continued the rest of my run. Rain, coupled with Journey's greatest hits, made Wednesday a total success and bumped my 12 min mile average down to 10 min miles!

Other highlights (and lowlights) thus far:

THE GOOD: I ran 15 miles so far this week. Which is essentially 15 more miles than I ran for the last 10 years :) HUGE accomplishment for me. Woot woot! And at no time during those 15 miles did I feel sick, cry, or fall over. I also discovered that what "they" say is true...running really does get rid of a headache. I also discovered that I am capable of running three days in a row.

THE BAD: I have to drag my unemployed butt to a running store for new shoes. I've been using the same shoes for the past two years. They are a pair of extremely rigid Asics that I bought on clearance at Sports Authority. Which was perfectly fine when the shoes were used exclusively on an elliptical machine. It became bad news when I started running in them. Running in improper shoes= runners knee= ouch!

THE UGLY: Between running and flip-flops, my feet. Nuff said.

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