Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Posting

I'm really doing this. I am training to run a half-marathon. Eeeekkk!!

I literally haven't run more than 6 miles at a time since high school. Back then I could run a marathon if I wanted to, but then I (unintentionally) decided to take 11 years off from running. Not completely. I'd run from time to time, but never stuck with it. And that was how I became an eliptical girl. Definitely not a girl who could run a marathon. I could barely run a 5K. Don't get me wrong, I had my reasons. They went something like this, "I tried to run, but I got shin splints" or "My back hurts too bad," etc. I was full of excuses but not good ones.

Then, two years ago, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colits. Without going into detail, UC is this...for some unknown reason, my immune system inappropriately attacks the lining of my colon, causing ulcers. Which is a bad thing, and makes those of us who have UC feel very, very ill. No one really knows what causes UC. It does tend to be genetic, so I assume I got it because my grandma also has it. Once someone has UC, doctors do know that stress makes it worse (READ: law school BAD), as well as any variety of foods (but food affects everyone differently, so it's hit or miss). For me, wheat is bad. For other people, sugar is bad. For me, sugar is oh so yummy.

Getting back to my point....once I was diagnosed with UC, I realized I might NEVER be able to run again. And I became determined to run. This time, I went about it the right way. Instead of laying around for a month and then attempting to run an 8 minute mile (YES, I did this and NO, I couldn't walk right for a week), I progressed slowly. I got on the treadmill and ran a minute, walked two minutes, and repeat. I was bored. Sooooo bored. But it worked. Soon I COULD run my 8 minute mile. Or three 10 minute miles. And so on, and so forth...

That was in February of this year. I took about a month off around the time of the Bar Exam. But now I'm back and ready to kick this half-marathon's butt. Or at least finish ;)

I am currently in my second week of training. I run 5 days a week, take a 6th day for "Active Recovery" (hiking, biking, etc), and take one day completely off. My day off was yesterday, and it was extremely well deserved. Today I have to (excuse me, "get to") run 4 miles. But I will be rewarded with a (bunless) hamburger and the first Ducks football game of the season.

Wish me luck!!....The Ducks don't need any :)

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