Friday, September 18, 2009

Spain part 1

Finally, at an internet location long enough to blog! Woohoo! I´m about four days into my trip, so here is a summary so far...

Days one and two: VERY long day of travel. Dad and I flew from Seattle to Pennsylvania to Madrid, then took a bus from Madrid to Pamplona to Roncevilles, where we were to start hiking the Camino de Santiago. The hike in total takes about five weeks and goes across northern Spain from east to west. It was originally a pilgrim trail with religious routes, although my purpose was simply for vacation and exercise. Dad and I only had 21 days, so we planned to hike about half-way. Got into Roncevilles around 8 pm Monday night. The main hostel for travelers on the Camino was full, so we were put in strange little outhouse buildings (that had very good heat system, luckily) :) Note to self: need to learn Spanish!

Day three: Set out late (as far as the hike is concerned), just before 8 am (or 11 pm Pacific time). The hike from Roncevalles to the next destination was about 18 miles through the Pyranees. We started off well, but soon the hike began to take its toll. My poor dad is 70 years old, and had purchased a luggage bag with wheels that happened to have back straps. Let this be a lesson to everyone...the proper bag is essential!! This bag essentially pulled dad backward and really strained his back. By the time we had hiked 15 miles, to a town we could stay the night in, we realized this hike was just not going to happen. There was simply no way we could continue without serious concerns for his health (I did not want to continue if it encouraged a permanent back injury!) So we changed the plans for the trip and decided to take a bus to Pamplona the following day and just become tourists in Spain for the remaining time we are here. My main goal...still getting a decent amount of exercise in each day for training...

Day four: Took a bus to Pamplona with a wonderful woman named Kate that we met at the previous hostel. We all decided to stay the night in Pamplona, and got a hostel with individual rooms (as opposed to the dorm style we had been sleeping in). We also went to a wonderful dinner with Kate, a couple of women from Sweeden, and an Australian couple. Unfortunately, I got pretty sick at night (last night). I am not sure at this point if it is the flu or a pretty bad colits attack...although I sure hope its the colitis bc I really dont want my dad to get sick! My colitis has been acting up pretty bad since I got here, so I assume thats what it is. Getting sick is pretty discouraging (or at least it was at 4 am) but it only strengthens my resolve that doing this race is SO important! We MUST find a cure! Ok, off to breakfast and then a bus ride to Barcelona tonight! I am soooo excited for Barcelona! I´ve never been there and heard its beautiful :) More posts to follow in a couple days, and photos to follow when I get back.

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