Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Still training!!

Gosh, I haven't written anything here forever! Its been a crazy month, what can I say?
Without getting into too many details, I've definitely been on a roller-coaster physically and emotionally.

Physically, I had to basically start my training over when I returned from Spain. Although Spain was wonderful, I didn't get any running in for 3 weeks. When I got back, my coach put me on a run/walk program. At first I was pretty bummed because I REALLY wanted to run. But I understand the importance of injury prevention (as someone who usually runs through shin-splints, I have since learned my lesson). I am doing really well on the program, increasing my time and getting back into full-on running. I even got the flu but (after a couple days rest) kept on truckin.

Emotionally, its been hard. I recently moved back to Portland and am looking for a job in a VERY depressed economy. I've also had a lot of close friends and loved ones dealing with some really rough issues (serious medical issues and even death). I'm optimistic that November HAS to be better than October...right? Thank goodness for amazing friends, good food and dumb comedies!!

But the important part is that we still need to find a cure for Crohns and Colitis. And I may not be as fast as I hoped, or even as upbeat. But I WILL run this race, I WILL finish...because its too damn important not to! :)

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